Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Message Board Topic: The Advent of Photography

Photography has a confusing and complicated history. Photography’s origins lie within both science and art – perfected and developed by artists and scientists alike. With this said, what is photography? A science or an art? Make an argument for both a science and an art. Then decide if photography is predominantly more art or science.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to the IMAGE FORUM

We appreciate you visiting THE IMAGE FORUM & encourage you to keep coming back to view new work and updated posts by our artists. THE IMAGE FORUM's mission is to showcase original, innovative and aesthetically pleasing work created by talented artists who THINK OUTSIDE THE ORDINARY.

THE IMAGE FORUM is a community of young artists who gather to showcase their work, critique one another, discuss art in history and as a career, debate art's role in society and other topics concerning digital art in general. THE IMAGE FORUM offers information about young artists, their ideas and their work. Our artists continue to supply samples from their portfolios, personal biographies, articles concerning art topics, and commentaries & reviews of their pieces.

Each week you will find our artists creating various TYPES of POSTS, as seen below: