Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Message Board Topic: Art & Technology

There are some who would argue that technology ruins the experience of the artist and prevents the artist from being connected to his/her craft. Some will even go as far to say, that an artist that uses technology is no longer an artist but practices in the technical fields (information tech, drafting etc.).

How would you respond to someone who says this?

Do you agree or disagree? Why?


  1. it is still the artists art work if they are the ones editing it. they are making it better in their own optinion. so why would it be concidered technology? it is editing. just like authors edit their work before they publish their final draft. it is fixing what they think needs improvement.

  2. I can see their point on saying that artist who use technology are not true artist, but i have to disagree. Math majors use calculators, does that mean that they are not math majors? Useing technology to improve your artwork is a smart thing to do, in my opinion.

  3. I would strongely disagree because who is to say that using technology is not a form of art? No one, because then someone could say that using pastels is not a form of art, its just incorrect for someone to say that art cannot be formed from technology.

  4. I disagree because you can be artistic in anyway. Technology just enhances art and gives you more ways to be creative. ;)

  5. i completely disagree with the statement and i would tell that individual that to me, their view is mistaken. just because an artist is able to be in touch with a craft through technology does not make it no longer art, through technology the art can reach a wider audience

  6. I personally don't disagree with that but i don't agree with it only cus I think art can be made in any way possible. It doesn't take away anything.

  7. wellll, obviously i disagree strongly because i consider my self a photographer. and since i use a digital camera i need the computer. people who say that tech editing and designing isn't art, but not everyone can design, and not everone has the eye to make something like a picture appealing to the viewers. Who ever says that artist that use technology is no longer an artist is probably 80 years old or has never use a computer in their life. snap out of it technology is here for a reason.

  8. There are different forms of art though, some of the most advanced forms of art are arts that use technology. Some artist would disagree because the only art they've probably ever known is non-digital. And yes, it may slightly take away from the creativity aspect. Instead of creating something from your mind and slowly adding to it, you take a photo which captures a picture all at once and edit it all at once.

  9. I disagree completely considering if you don't feel like something is necessarily done - you edit. It goes for any type of media an artist uses, which would include technology.

  10. I disagree because to edit photos and make them how you imagine them to look would be using technology. I think using computers brings the artist closer to there photography.

  11. I think its still adding your own personal style so it should still be considered art.

  12. I disagree. Everything you create/make is art, regardless of the time and effort you put forth. Taking a picture and editing it does not ruin the artistic experience. If anything, it involves the artist to their work more.

  13. art is art.
    why does it matter how you get there?
    its all about a prossess.
    its all about pogression, we're still not using the cranberries and grass we used for paint thousands of years ago...
