Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Message Board Topic: Hardware vs Software?

As digital artists, we rely heavily on our technology. What do you think is more important, our hardware or software? Hardware would include the computer itself (graphics card, sound card, monitor, display etc.) as well peripheral devices (mouse, tablet, camera, scanner). Software includes Adobe Photoshop (and other Creative Suite Programs) but also programs like Microsoft Office.

What do you think matters most? Why?
Make sure to explain your answer and use a minimum of 3 sentences!


  1. I think our Hardware because we need computers and cameras to do our jobs as photographers or something to deal with that. I think we could live without the software as long as we have the hardware.

  2. I think they both matter equally because it's hard to have one without the other. If I had to live without though, I'd choose to live without Photoshop, because I like having the computer and my camera more than I do with editing, even though editing is important.

  3. The computer is more important. How would you have software without the actual computer itself? You couldn't. The basic works of a computer seems to benifit alot of people as it is.

  4. i feel that sophware is more important for our art form. A photographer needs to have the software in order to complete the final prouduct. It would just be like a painter without a paint brush, a photographer without a method to edit the photo's cannot improve what he/she made.

  5. I feel that hardware is more important because those are the essentials of you need to actually use a computer. The programs are just extra things you can do, they're not needed.

  6. I think the Hardware is more important. Because without we wouldn't give us much of a freedom to do things on the computer.
    My laptop doesn't have Microsoft Officem Photoshop or anything and I think it's fine. We need a mouse and a monitor to actually use the computer.

  7. I think that hardawre is more important than the software because as an artist you can always result to painting and drawing on paper instead of on a pixelated surface. So i would say that i would pick hardware over software any day.

  8. I don't think software or hardware is better than one another. Each is nessesary in the studio. Having a program like Photoshop is essential to create detailed, complex artwork. It is equally important to have a computer powerful enough to run the programs. a digital artist must be equally familiar with his/her tools. It's like asking "What's more important: paper or pencils?".

  9. I think Hardware is most important. Software wouldnt be needed without the Hardware it was made for

  10. If you don't have the hardware there is no point in having software like photoshop. If there isnt something to run the software on then it really doesnt matter if you have the software or not. You can't really have one without the other. But you can still paint design and draw without the software or the hardware.

  11. I think that harward is most important because its more important than the software. The programs are important, but the design and other stuff is alot more important.

  12. I think that software and hardware are equally important. You need the one to play off the other. Its like yin and yang and junk.

  13. Software is the most important because we need an editor. Without an editor or photoshop it takes away from the creativity of the artist. They use photoshop to add and take away things. I think its an important part.

  14. software is good but hardware is important. hardware is what you use to make the art. software is what creates the art. i rather have software
