Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Message Board Topic: Not Just a Phone

According to Wired Magazine, in five years the phone will have replaced the home pc, the digital camera, the movie camera/camcorder, MP3 player and other devices. As the "phone" can do so much, can we really call them phones any more?

How does having access to all of these devices in your purse or pocket change the way we do things?

How does it allow us to make "more art"?

Does it allow us to make better art?


  1. I Think that people may be upset about the fact but i guess it would make life alot easier.

  2. Yeah its still a phone because you still make calls on it. Its a more useful way because everyone always carry their phones.

  3. phones are gonna ruin everything eventually -.- and it doesnt produce art besides for the iphone/ipod instagram app besides that theres nothing special and its going to change the way we do things DUH!

  4. Phones are like giant personal computers.

  5. It would make it so we do multiple types of art at one time and whenever/wherever we want.

  6. it wouldnt be called just a phone it would have to be some sort of smart phone. it has changed the way every one works or even runs a business. it can take away from making art because people just edit the photos through the phone using the super basic styles of editing. art will become all about technal.

  7. I think a lot will change if we have all this access in our pockets. We could be out and be on the internet, taking photos, taking videos, and listening to music in just one device. I'm not sure if it would make or break art. I think it would take away from the natural way art has been made. But, it could possibly help art digitally.

  8. I prefer home PCs but...
    I'm sure that people might get out more (maybe) since being holed up in your office/living room/Basement etc. is now an option.

    I also think it would be easier to keep ideas fresh in your head when your out without a notebook to jot down ideas.

  9. I've seen touch screen art on the I pad that i found very interesting.
    I guess it brings in new medias.

  10. it may seem convenient, but it may not seem as appealing to have everything in one. It will seem a lot more common and easy.

  11. the smart phone have artistic apps that are cool

  12. Our phone is pretty sweet....i still think of it as a phone. you can make calls and stuff. it helps with art cuz it's more devices to make more art.

  13. I think it's more like a Wizard from that Phil from the Future show. As for better art; I think art's more intrantaneously accssessible but not necessarily better. I think we'd just have a lot more MS paint type doodles online.

  14. I think phones are turning us into modern day wizzards and that there will be no limits.
