Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Message Board Topic: Environmental Art

Explain how Environmental Art can be used as a form of protest. How can art inform and portray a message, especially concerning the environment? Think about the examples of environmental art - in, unto themselves they are not provocative. But they still make people think - how, why? When you respond to this, think about two key things: 1) how does art inform? and 2) how does art send a message? Then narrow it down specifically to environmental art/photography.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Message Board Topic: Artistic Theory

Other disciplines like science, psychology, anthropology and sociology use a theory system. This means there is an initial premise or idea which guides the work. The standard system works something like this: 1) observations of the world inspire an idea, 2) a theory is constructed (this is a hypothesis or statement), 3) the theory is tested through practice or study and 4) the theory is solidified by combining the initial observations, hypotheses and studies in a single, succinct statement.
Artists use a similar mode, such as the futurist or surrealist manifestos. Describe in your own words a theory exhibited by: 1) current artist(s), 2) past artist(s) or 3) yourself (make sure to include the type or movement you follow).

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Message Board Topic: Art & Science

Photography has a confusing and complicated history. Photography’s origins lie within both science and art – perfected and developed by artists and scientists alike. With this said, what is photography? A science or an art? Make an argument for both a science and an art. Then decide if photography is predominantly more art or science.